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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pantyhose are not just for women anymore

Since pantyhose were invented, women have enjoyed the many benefits of pantyhose, while nowadays women says they hate wearing pantyhose. Pantyhose sculpt, shape, and suck in a little body fat in all the right places. And don’t discount pantyhose's ability to keep legs warm in cooler weather.

Why should such a simple wonder of the modern world be exclusive to women? Now they’re not. More and more men are wearing “Mantyhose", or pantyhose for men. I cannot stand that name "mantyhose". Anyway, women can call it whatever they want, it is still pantyhose. A company called Comfilon, which produces the garment specifically for men, said it just had its best sales year ever.

There are health benefits to wear support pantyhose. They’re categorized as compression legwear. They not only have aesthetic value, they can also energize a guy’s legs by promoting blood circulation. In fact, some doctors recommend support pantyhose for men with knee problems.

1 comment:

Steve Newman said...

Couldn't agree more, Maverick. There's no reason in the world that we guys shouldn't be able to avail ourselves of the many and varied benefits afforded by modern hosiery. Men deal with poor leg circulation just the same as women do, for instance, so why wouldn't there be a full length support hose product like what women have available to them?

I'm responsible for marketing at Comfilon/ActivSkin, and I can attest to the fact that this fact is gaining traction out in the public arena, and as you noted has translated into ever increasing sales on our part. And, that's why I'm using venues like by blog, The Nylon Gene ( to continue making that case and getting the word out to those in the mainstream media who can help to tell the story.